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As I set out for the photo shoot, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. I knew this session was going to be special, as it was personal to the couple and they had chosen locations that held sentimental value to them. I wanted to ensure that I captured the essence of their relationship in a timeless and classic way, showcasing the love they have for each other.
Every now and then, I have the opportunity to photograph a wedding that simply takes my breath away. Such was the case with Keith & Hilary’s wedding at The Henry Ford Museum. It was a perfect summer day, although it had rained earlier in the morning. But as luck would have it, the clouds parted, and the sun bathed the entire venue in a warm and inviting glow.
Ross and Olivia said their “I Do’s” in August, and it was a beautiful and classically detailed wedding to say the least. Between Olivia’s customized wedding gown, her attention to the little details and the gorgeous color palette, it was breath-taking!
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