About Sarah

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Mom & I’s Day in, Making Our Spring Wreath

For the longest time, my mom and I have been wanting to build our own wreaths. It started with fall of 2019, and then the season passed too quickly. THEN, we decided we were going to go antiquing and find cute little accessories to include in our Christmas wreaths… but we all know how fast time goes before Christmas, so naturally we missed that window. Third time’s the charm though right?!

About 2 months ago my mom and I spent a day together, and as we were shopping through Hobby Lobby (one of our fav’s) it dawned on us, we need to pick out all of the flowers, greenery, frames etc so that we can finally build a wreath together! Not only a wreath, but we picked out florals to build a centerpiece as well! You can’t have too much color and flowers in a house…

This past Saturday we officially checked off “spring wreath” from our crafty to-do list, and ya’ll, I am SO happy with how these turned out. When we first started, I’ll be honest…we didn’t know what we were doing! But, as always, we wing it and make it work some how 😉